The ninth dimension of Atlantis | Guided Meditation | Powerful Activation with the I Light Language | The ninth dimension of Atlantis

After participating in a guided meditation that incorporates light language and a love code that you visualize in your mind, you will experience an increase in the frequency of love in your body.

The entire group of people Recently, you’ve played an important role in the world, and on a soul level, many of you have expressed an interest in experiencing soulmate connection in order to better assist others on their journeys.

Physical balance and harmony go hand in hand with the energy of these souls, who are divinely guided among themselves through their corresponding heart rates, as love transforms into balance and harmony on a cellular level.

Take control of your silence…

The necessity of re-creating ourselves in a society that is obsessed with noise, news clips, action, debate, anger, confrontation, stimulation, and busy-ness, as well as the need to carve out a place of silence (some might call it prayer) in our lives cannot be overstated. I believe it is a wonderful healing measure for both the wounded world outside of us and the wounded world within us.

Make room in your Soul for love to divinely anchor itself there!